The City of Remote Work
A participatory investigation of the culture and future of remote work

After Spring 2020 caught us divided between our posts in Sweden and Denmark, unable to work in person, our peer agents inspired us to develop a study on the culture & future of remote work using our experience from working in the tech sector for a decade.
The scenario
No need to panic. We designed a remote city in 2060 and invited peers from all over the world to work online and build it together for an hour a week during two months.
People worked collaboratively using Miro, which proved even before lockdown that ideation and co-creation can happen, and even thrive, remotely. This Future can be visited anytime with the guidance of a time travel agent.
The artifacts aka Optimistic Speculations
Instead of focusing on tools or apps for remote workers, we developed scenarios that corresponded to the virtual needs that challenged this future society. We played with isolation, identity, richness, nature and sustainability in order to invent new spaces, rituals, and healthy work habits.
In The City of Remote Work there are spaces for leisure, learning, commuting, consulting laws and governance, inspiration, and fun.
There is a GIF(T) SHOP that any traveler can visit after touring the city and capture its favorite spots (using screenshots). These are turned into postcards of the city that anyone can send via a postal service called Antenna.
The city is always open to visitors, and sporadic building sessions will keep happening.
The process, experience, and outcomes are documented in the film below
Book a tour of The City of Remote Work!
Famous sightings:
The Museum of Improvised Art

The Fountain of Inspiration

The Garden of Comfort

The Optimistic Self-Defense Classroom

The GIF(T) Shop

We thank all the courageous travelers who contributed to this investigation:
Gokul Nair
Clara Llongarriu
Natalia Santolaria
Marcus Bader
Viktor Lysell Smålänning
Rebecka Nilsson
Jenn Leung
Denise Thwaites
Thomas Romlöv
Åsa Ohlsson
Mary Toreld
Albert Cañigueral